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Loop Modifiers

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Loop modifiers.png

Loop Modifiers are second type of upgrades unlocked in CIFI - Cell: Idle Factory Incremental. They are located in Upgrade console.pngUpgrade Console

Loop Modifiers are unlocked on The zagreus0.pngThe Zagreus purchase.

Inside the Loop Modifiers menu you will find first layer of prestige mechanics, Loops.pngLoops and Loop mods.pngLoop Mods tree.

Loop Modifiers effect most of the game mechanics through the Loop mods.pngLoop Mods upgrades, including Cells.pngCells,Mod points.pngMod Points, Shards.pngShards, Research points.pngResearch Points, Academy points.pngAcademy Points, Ticks.pngTicks speed, Operations.pngOperations tick requirement, Generators.pngGenerators and more.

Loop Modifiers Mechanics[edit | edit source]

In order to get Mod points.pngMod Points you will need to fill Loops.pngLoops.

There are 2 types of Loops.pngLoops:

Ticks.pngTick Loops
Tick loops are based on the amount of Ticks.pngTicks you did. Each time you will fill this loop next one will become more expensive.

Cells.pngCell Loops
Cell loops are based on the amount of Cells.pngCells you produced. Each time you will fill this loop next one will become more expensive.

Loops Completed can overflow and being counted in every tick. It usually happens after long offline period.

Once you are happy with your current progress or it slowed down significantly its time to do a Loop Reset, claiming earned Mod points.pngMod Points.

Every Loop Reset the player does will increase the minimum amount of loops required to be filled:

  • Base Loop requirement is 3.
  • Up to a 100 resets the minimum increases by +0.95 loops filled per reset.
  • From 101 to 150 resets the minimum increases by +1.35 loops filled per reset.
  • From 151 to 200 resets the minimum increases by +1.95 loops filled per reset.
  • From 201 to 250 resets the minimum increases by +2.55 loops filled per reset.
  • From 251 to 300 resets the minimum increases by +3.25 loops filled per reset.
  • From 301 resets and onwards the minimum increases by +4.05 loops filled per reset.

You can spend your earned Mod points.pngMod Points in the Mod points.pngMod Points Tree.

Loop Modifiers Tips[edit | edit source]

  • Once unlocked Mod points.pngMod Points Tree will be available right after prestige, so you can assign your Mod points.pngMod Points upgrades after you bought your initial Ships.pngShips and activated Automation hub.pngAutomations. This is specifically useful for ships like The demeter0.pngThe Demeter, The koios0.pngThe Koios and The zeus0.pngThe Zeus where you will have to build up your other Processes in order to progress
  • Try to get as many Loops.pngLoops per run as possible within reasonable amount of time, this will allow you to get maximum amount of Mod points.pngMod Points per Loop Reset
  • Each time Loops.pngLoop is filled you will get a small multiplier to the amount of Mod points.pngMod Points gained next Loops.pngLoop

Zaglagging[edit | edit source]

After you progressed the game a bit and unlocked The hephaestus0.pngThe Hephaestus you might consider delaying The zagreus0.pngThe Zagreus purchase to get more Mod points.pngMod Points for early Loops.pngLoops. Do this only if you can afford Modification Connection ship upgrade and you can get in reasonable time. Later on you can add other Ships.pngShips to this list, since most of them can give your Mod points.pngMod Points earned per Loops.pngLoop a boost.

Deja Vu Race[edit | edit source]

The zagreus0.pngThe Zagreus has an install, Deja Vu, that increases Mod points.pngMod Points gained based on the player's total resets. It is extremely beneficial to level for resets that focus on Mod points.pngMod Points.

If the player starts every reset with at least 15 The zagreus0.pngZagreus rank points, Deja Vu can be maxed instantly (max. 10 levels, with 5 being required for Accumulation Theory to unlock it).

Otherwise, the player can continuously upgrade Deja Vu (or Accumulation Theory, 5 times to unlock it) by waiting for The zagreus0.pngThe Zagreus to rank up by filling Loops.pngLoops. Since the bonus isn't applied retroactively, this should optimally be done as soon as a rank point is available (ie on the same Ticks.pngTick that the rank is given).

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